Tarrant County offers an optional tax-deferred retirement savings program called Deferred Compensation (457(b) plan). We guide you through a comprehensive process to help you evaluate your opportunities, protect your assets and income, and pursue your 3-Year Vision.While the County is a part of TCDRS, the Tarrant County Commissioners Court defines the benefit plan for county employees and retirees. You may be able to take a tax credit for making eligible contributions to your IRA or employersponsored retirement plan. The State of Texas retirement plan is mandatory for most state agency employees and provides a lifetime annuity when they retire. The Tarrant Group can help you achieve your financial goals. Learn about Retirement, Investing, Family, Business Planning, and Philanthropy. Plans such as the 457(b) and 403(b) can provide individuals with an opportunity to safeguard their financial future. TRS experiences a high volume of retirements during the months of May through August. Your retirement allows complete withdrawal only upon termination.