For exam ple, the total could be reduced if you elect to retire at the minimum retire ment age before completing 30 years of service. - The Government employee shall be given a reasonable opportunity to show cause against the proposed premature retirement under this rule.Please do not file an application if you plan to retire within six months. OPM will give you an opportunity to make payment when it computes our annuity. (a), a Government servant shall give a notice in writing to the appointing authority at least three months before the date on which he wishes to retire; and. The government has maintained that premature retirement of Government servants under these rules is not a penalty. "It is clarified that premature retirement of government servants under these rules is not a penalty. Employees retiring at the end of the year with Jan. Absorbed employees shall be paid out of such Pension Fund. Medical Center volunteers work the Pharmacy customer service windows, provide pa ents with direc ons to various clinics inside.