(13) "Board member" means a person serving on the Utah State Retirement Board as established under Section 49-11-202. If you are a nonresident, check your state's tax laws for the status of your Utah retirement benefits.Utah State Retirement and Insurance Benefit Act § 49-19-403. That's regardless of whether it's a private account or from a public pension fund. Learn about the retirement options available at USU including offerings from TIAA, Fidelity, and the Utah Retirement System. The investments that Utah has made with its public employee pension funds have paid off handsomely in recent years. You can withdraw all or part of your account in a single cash payment, depending on your plan rules and the terms of your contracts. Young child hugging a tombstone in a veteran cemetery Disability Retirement Pay. Many people want to get a "common law marriage. " Utah does not have common law marriage.