Before completing the form, log in to myVRS for retirement counseling resources and review the Apply for Retirement page to determine if you can retire online. Members eligible to retire using the online system will see the Apply Now button when they select Apply for Retirement in the Manage My Benefits drop-down menu.If your Virginia Retirement System disability benefits claim has been denied and you want help, call me today at 1 (855) 873-2604. Applying for VRS Disability benefits can be a complex and time consuming process. The Virginia Retirement System (VRS) is an independent state agency that administers retirement and other benefits to members. State law to require businesses with 25plus employees to offer a workplace retirement program, RetirePath Virginia. For more information or to schedule a consultation with our Fairfax retirement account attorneys, call 703-884-1098 or fill out our online form. Do You Qualify for SSD Benefits? Call Our Richmond SSD Lawyers! Please contact him if you are concerned about your retirement plan or its management.