RetirePath Virginia is a basic, one-size-fits-all retirement savings program for businesses that do not wish to sponsor a plan for their own employees. State law to require businesses with 25plus employees to offer a workplace retirement program, RetirePath Virginia.RetirePath is mandatory for all eligible employers who do not offer their own qualified retirement savings plan to employees. Any employer that is not an eligible employer may facilitate the participation of its eligible employees in the Program. Before completing the form, log in to myVRS for retirement counseling resources and review the Apply for Retirement page to determine if you can retire online. RetirePath is mandatory for certain Virginia employers. Complete this quiz to understand if your business is required to register and facilitate RetirePath. RetirePath is a retirement savings program for Virginia workers without access to an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan. Members eligible to retire using the online system will see the Apply Now button when they select Apply for Retirement in the Manage My Benefits drop-down menu. RetirePath Virginia, an automaticenrollment, paycheckreduction individual retirement account (IRA) through the Virginia College Savings Plan, Virginia 529.