At the end of each year, we'll mail you a Social Security. Benefit Statement (Form SSA-1099) that shows the amount of benefits you received.There are two provisions of law that can reduce your retirement income. To receive a vested retirement benefit at the earliest possible date, file a retirement application within 90 days of the date you become eligible. A statemandated retirement plan is when a state requires eligible employers to offer their employees a retirement plan option. Each person will experience the transition to retirement differently. Finding a new routine in the wake of retirement can make the transition What are my legal rights and protections with respect to the Plan? Proper division of a couple's retirement assets in the wake of divorce requires a court order known as a "qualified domestic relations order" (QDRO). Tzvee Zahavy, Teaneck, N.J.. "Friends ask me how I fill my days since my retirement.