New entity filing forms are available on the "Initial Forms" tab. Learn about forming and registering your business online, and how to complete other types of business filings.Register your business (opens in a new tab). Forms. Applicable Laws and Information. You may find this information and these forms helpful when handling the estate of a deceased person. The Bruce R. Thompson Center for Business and Economics (CBE) prepares Allegheny College students to succeed in a diverse, global economy. In 1976, Buckley became chairman of the AL Board of Directors and chief executive officer. To file for custody, you must present the prepared legal paperwork and associated fees for filing with the: Department of Court Records First Floor During the second semester of their senior year, students conduct further research, complete the written project, and defend it. Allegheny County Executive Sara Innamorato attended her first jail oversight board meeting Thursday, ushering in a new era for the body.