Notice of Proof of Filing or Delivery of the Transcript. (i). The Notice of Proof of Filing or Delivery of the Transcript (FORM 227.1B).The following Bylaws are promulgated to govern the powers, duties, and operations of the Allegheny County Jail Oversight Board ("Board"). The notification will include notice of the right to appeal the decision to the Court of Common Pleas of. Seven steps for writing a board resolution, plus a definition, what it's required, how to pass a resolution and FAQs. Notice of Annual Meeting. The CCAC Administrative Regulations Manual sets forth rules and procedures which interpret Board of. And Allegheny County (the 'GAuthority") was held upon proper notice in the David L. Lawrence. A corporation with members shall hold annual meetings of members at a time stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws. He also advised those attending that the Board Finance and Audit.