The Secretary is responsible for completing the Minutes for the prior Board meeting so that they may be approved at the current Board meeting. Here, you'll discover everything you need to know about board meeting minutes and how to take them with examples and a meeting minutes template.Kind of meeting (regular, special, general, etc.) 2. Day, date, time, and place of meeting. 3. The Open Meetings Act (OMA) is designed to ensure that Illinois residents have access to their government. "Keep in mind that minutes are not minutes until they have been approved. Keigher announced the next Board meeting will be held on December 5, 2024 in the Chicago area. Each speaker is given two (2) minutes to present their remarks and materials to the Board. We're going to talk about effective board meeting minutes and resolutions and also talk about a new tool that was developed to help your organization. All meetings will be held at PM and typically last about 2 hours.