This guide walks through everything you need to know to run your board meetings, understand roles, streamline procedures, and embrace best practices. Secretaries can set up a basic outline or template for board minutes in the board portal or governance platform to streamline this task.Board reporting is a crucial part of good governance, and good reporting ensures that a board report is both clear and comprehensive. Following any initial venture financing, expect to hold six to twelve Board meetings per year depending on investor preference. You can have productive board meetings that actually help the company meet its goals. Here are 10 dos and don'ts for running successful board meetings. Read CEO Robert Cook's email to firms previewing topics the Board is scheduled to discuss at the July 2024 FINRA Board of Governors Meeting. , they all involve trust, mutuality – a meeting of the minds. Approve meeting agendas for the Board. Meetings of the Board of Directors are convened as specified in the Company´s articles of association.