Directors should be transparent in the way they exercise their governance role and responsibilities;. The board and its directors should act in the best interests of the company. FULL.Directors, with the assistance of the Company. King 4 recommends that there be a majority of non-executive, independent directors on the board of directors. We learn how to apply principles 1 to 7 of the King IV Report in this video. In this document we discuss the need for and value of independent directors, as well as the King IV approach to the assessment of the independence of directors. • participating in the selection of board members;. In carrying out this oversight role, the Board actively engages in setting the long-term strategic goals for the organisation, reviews and approves business. 4 The board and its directors should act in the best interests of the company. Such appraisal should be performed on an annual basis. 4. Directors. 4.1.