Writing board resolutions for important decisions is considered a best practice for good governance. The King Report on Corporate Governance is a booklet of guidelines for the governance structures and operation of companies in South Africa.This article demonstrates the role of the board of directors in light the King IV Report and the Companies Act 71 of 2008 ("the Act"). LegalVision Lawyer Nathalie King describes company resolutions and board resolutions, outlining when each resolution is required. First, it greatly facilitates your directors in meeting their duties and responsibilities in the legal, governance (e.g. The King reports are not legally binding. Submit actions to shareholders that require shareholder approval under the NYBCL. Conflicts of interests of governing body members. Resolutions of the board of directors electing directors to fill director vacancies to be inserted into board minutes or a form of unanimous written consent. If it is used in the context of a company, "means the board of directors of a company", as defined in section 1 of the Companies Act.