Refer to Administrative Regulation 2.3. 6 Withdrawal for information regarding withdrawal procedures.PURPOSE. The purpose of this guideline is to establish pupil withdrawal and LEA compliance in the Arizona. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Formal and Informal meetings are open to the public and will proceed under ARS 38-431 Submit a Business Account Update Form with "Cancel effective date" box checked and filled out. Central Arizona College's new campus in the city of Maricopa opened for business on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 with an array of classes. This affidavit must be filed within 30 days of withdrawing from a public, charter or private school or, upon beginning the homeschooling experience. To set out the authority of the Governing Board and it's duly authorized agents. They join Chairman Thomas Galvin of District 2 and Supervisor Steve Gallardo of District 5 on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. Congratulations to all!