Meetings are the lifeblood of common ownership communities. Everything from electing board members to planning social events happens in meetings.A "board meeting" is a regularly scheduled open meeting of the board of directors for the purpose of conducting the association's business. Virtual board meetings via video conferencing are not a direct substitute for inperson meetings. Stay Informed: Explore upcoming meetings, videos, agendas, and minutes for Montgomery County's planning and preservation events. 15. I need assistance in completing forms such as the Rent Rebate application, where should I call? Board members attending via Teams Video Conferencing included: Chairman Eric Weaknecht, Commissioner. 5. Can some or all members of the Board or a committee participate in a meeting via conference call? Give members multiple means to access the meeting. Located in the beautiful Hudson Valley, the Village of Montgomery is a great place to live, raise a family, shop, and do business.