It's not mandatory,but for a smoother Board Meeting presence of Comapny Secretary is recommended. Get insights on how to run a board meeting effectively, covering everything from preparation to execution for successful outcomes.In this article, we list the main tasks of a corporate secretary involved in arranging a meeting and provide recommendations on how to organize a meeting. We share six steps for how to run a volunteer board meeting that's both productive and effective. Under Robert's Rules, anyone is absent (like the president or the secretary) does NOT sign any inmeeting document. Legally, Board Meetings should be held at least once every six months, but most companies prefer to have a quarterly Board Meeting. Efficient corporate secretaries maintain an annual calendar with all board meetings, committee meetings and audit meetings scheduled a year in advance. The company secretary is an officer of the company, together with the directors, and as such, exercises specific functions and responsibilities at law. Knowing how to take minutes at board meetings is an essential skill that all good company secretaries practice. Here's a thorough guide.