All corporations and limited liability companies doing business in Pennsylvania are required to pay corporate net income tax. Tax filing and payment details for people who work in Philadelphia but don't have City Wage Tax withheld from their paycheck.Call (215) 686-6442 for more information. You can use the Philadelphia Tax Center to file and pay all taxes. A partnership with operations within Pennsylvania whose partners are all C corporations must provide to the department a complete copy of its federal Form 1065. The Employee Earnings Tax is a tax on salaries, wages, commissions, and other compensation paid to an individual who works or lives in Philadelphia. Obligations are lower on smaller businesses, higher on some sectors. To form an LLC, a Certificate of Organization is required to be filed with the Corporation Bureau of the. Form 6166 is a letter printed on US Department of Treasury stationery certifying that the individuals or entities listed are residents of the United States. Information on completing the Form 8802, Application for United States Residency Certification.