Writing legal documents can be a challenge, but fortunately, board resolutions aren't as tough to write as they may seem. "Resolved That the now authorized, or having applied for authority to do a captive insurance business in the State of New.The project includes a 162020squarefoot Costco store with 18 gas pumps, as well as 378 apartments, stores and restaurants. ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) The new year marks the return of Rochester's biggest events! New study looks at Michigan's pizza industry and how its global role. A company must file Form MGT14 with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) in accordance with Section 117(1) of the Companies Act 2013 and the rules made thereunder. Resolutions of the board of directors of a New York corporation electing and appointing officers. Tributes began Monday in the Carters' native Sumter County and continued at Glenn Memorial Church in Atlanta.