Another popular way to make a planned gift is to name ALT a beneficiary of all or a portion of your retirement plan assets, other investments, or bank accounts. Form 8283 has two sections.Enrolling farmland or forest land in the Clean and Green program is an effective way to save property taxes in Pennsylvania. CASA of Allegheny Country is a tax exempt non-profit public charity under Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax deductible. Preserves, parks, trails, and other conserved lands in Pennsylvania are not automatically exempted from real estate taxes. Thank you for considering becoming a supporter of Allegheny Land Trust, or extending your means of support of our work. All donations are tax deductible. Generally, you can donate any type of residential, commercial, or industrial property, as well as land. The devices must be buoyant and assist in the growth of oysters for the width of the pier.