Monthly donations can add up to make a BIG difference! Donation to Eden Place supports our work directly.Learn about nature conservation in Illinois, including environmental issues and resources from The Nature Conservancy. Start exploring the Prairie State! The goal of the CLS's founders was to showcase existing and new programs in the Chicago area for assessing and improving habitat on private property. If you own property that you want to donate to NLI through your will or trust, the following language, which you should share with your attorney, can be used. Discover how The Nature Conservancy in Illinois is focused on urban conservation efforts that will protect nature in cities like Chicago. Even if you sell your land or pass it on to your heirs, a conservation easement will protect it from losing the natural character that makes it so special. Donate: You may choose donate to NLI in memory of, or in honor of someone. The center may have species-specific admission criteria.