You can donate land if your property is easy to market, debtfree and you've held onto it for over a year. The purpose of the Land Transfer Program is to incentivize: The development of quality, sustainable housing that is affordable to Dallas city residents.Please print out and complete the Donation Form, being sure to indicate the name of the program, state park, project, or initiative you would like to support. Our 501c3 nonprofit accepts property donations throughout the entire state of Texas. Donate a house, land, commercial property and more. Bequests are one of the easiest ways to make a gift to Texas Land Conservancy. Please fill out the "General Donation Form" if you wish to make a monetary donation. We will review your land details to approve your donation. A property tax exemption excludes all or part of a property's value from property taxation, ultimately resulting in lower property taxes. Dallas received the largest donation of park land in 83 years Tuesday.