In this article, we will be focusing on the two commonly used legal processes of transferring ownership in the Philippines, which are through sale and donation. This document discusses the formal requirements and procedures for validly donating property under Philippine law.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Deed of Donation have hereunto set their hand on. Transfer property or money to someone with our revocable or irrevocable Gift Deed template. It's tailored to your state's laws. How can I add another person to my deed (title)?. Usufruct is a legal right accorded to a person or party that confers the temporary right to use and derive income or benefit from someone else's property. Gift deeds convey title to real property from one party to another with no exchange of consideration, monetary or otherwise. The deed of gift is a formal and legal agreement between the donor and the repository that transfers ownership of and legal rights to the donated materials. Therefore, these 100 acres of land were made available for fee title donation.