The IPP Taxscribe Personal Online Listing System allows taxpayers to file extension requests, manage multiple listings, file online, and quickly update data. Use Form 8283 to report information about noncash charitable contributions.Do not use Form 8283 to report out-of-pocket expenses for volunteer work. The Circuit Breaker program allows qualifying individuals the option to defer a portion of the property taxes owed on their permanent residence. The 2024 business personal property listing form and instructions is for any individual(s) or business(es) owning or possessing personal property. What if I am a Veteran? To help prospective developers take advantage of the brownfields property tax incentive (N. NCCash Match is the Department of State Treasurer's program designed to make it easier for unclaimed property owners to receive their money. In many cases, charitable donations are tax-deductible. When you donate to a qualifying organization, you can deduct the amount from your taxable income.