A gift of land may qualify you and your heirs for reduced income, gift or estate taxes and reduced capital gains taxes. Our program covers all loans, liens, commissions, and closing costs so long as there is equity in the property.A donation agreement, also called a charitable gift agreement, is a document that established proof of a donation or gift to a charitable organization. Consider donating the property to the University of Wisconsin Foundation in exchange for reliable payments for life for you (and someone else, if you choose). In order to donate property, we must have written consent from any and all property owners. Your letter of intent will outline the donation terms. We'll break down the different ways to gift a house, explain the tax implications, and provide a typical housegifting example scenario. If you are interested in donating property to Milwaukee Habitat, please fill out this form. The 313-acre national cemetery in San Diego, CA, will serve Veterans' needs well into the 21st century. Who is Eligible for the NACA Mortgage?