What is a Gift Deed in Texas? ​​A Texas Gift Deed is the document you will need to have in order to give real estate to another person.Having a clear title means that there will be no unexpected, valid claims on the property against the deedholder. To transfer real estate title as a gift in Texas, a Warranty Deed must be prepared and signed, then filed with the county clerk's office. Good to know: Quitclaims are used to transfer property in many states, but these deeds do not transfer property title in Texas. Here, learn about ways a deceased person's property may pass on to their heirs without the need for a formal court proceeding. How do you register a deed without a lawyer? Go to the Registry of Deeds (or its equivalent) and fill out the appropriate form(s). Gift deeds in Texas are valid, but there are requirements above and beyond those of a regular deed. A gift deed is a document that transfers title to land.