For the sale to be exempt from a transfer fee, it must occur AFTER the Bankruptcy Court confirms the plan. Consider donating the property to the University of Wisconsin Foundation in exchange for reliable payments for life for you (and someone else, if you choose).Donating your real estate can unlock additional funds for charity in two ways. That depends on the type of property and the organization to which you're donating it. This section focuses on the formats to be used when conveying property interests. A donation agreement, also called a charitable gift agreement, is a document that established proof of a donation or gift to a charitable organization. Grantor type – from the dropdown menu, select Individual (a person) or the type of entity conveying an interest in the property. Joining parcel without Rosenshein's consent. " These changes have been incorporated into the draft ordinance presented to City Council and. He was both the oldest and sixth-youngest governor of California due to the 28-year gap between his second and third terms.