Another popular way to make a planned gift is to name ALT a beneficiary of all or a portion of your retirement plan assets, other investments, or bank accounts. The AHN Volunteer Resources Department is able to accept in-kind donations of items for our patients and programs.We've created this stepbystep guide on everything you need to know about creating a donation receipt letter for tax purposes. Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions about how and why to support AHN with a financial contribution, including planned gifts from an estate. Use the space below to list the items you donated to Goodwill (ie: number of bags of clothing, boxes of household goods, type of furniture, etc.). Tax Forms, Work From Home - Local Services Tax and Payroll Expense Tax Information(PDF, 245KB), Important Information for City of Pittsburgh Taxpayers. These forms helpful when handling the estate of a deceased person. If you have questions, consult with an attorney. If you would like to provide a gift in memory or in honor of someone, please write your request in the comments section of the donation box below. In-kind Contribution Receipt.