If you would like to donate specific in-kind items, please scroll to the bottom of this page or click here to fill out our in-kind donation form. If your business or organization will need a donation tax receipt, indicate that in the description of your donation listing.Bystep guide on how to fill out a Goodwill tax donation receipt. This form is available at our stores in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. VOC will provide you with an in-kind donation form to fill out. Org to discuss alternative methods of giving such as: Gifts of Stock; Planned Gifts; In-Kind Donations. In that case, all you need to provide in the donation receipt is the name and EIN of the organization, date of donation, and a description of the donated item. Learn what to include in your donation tax receipts and how to leverage them for compelling nonprofit storytelling. Learn how you can support and donate to our non-profit music school and join us in creating a cultural revolution right here in the Bronx. An inkind donation is a noncash gift made to a nonprofit organization.