Keep a record of any items you donate to a charity. The form and instructions are available on the IRS site and can be accessed through this link, IRS Tax Forms.In this article, we'll break down the various tax forms your donors will require and how Donorbox can help your nonprofit provide these receipts. If you donated to our nonprofit partner at one of our locations or through home pickup, access an electronic tax receipt for the nonprofit partner today. In this post, we'll outline the various tax forms your donors need and how Paybee can help your nonprofit issue such receipts. Property Tax Statements are mailed out in October, and are due upon receipt. The increase is largely due to the receipt of American Rescue Act Funds in the fiscal year 2022. Required Affidavit of Motor Vehicle Gift Transfer. Recurring Fee: A recurring fixed fee that we may charge when donors set up a recurring donation to a Fundraiser.