If you are a professional and currently need to obtain resources for a family, we want to support you. Complete the online Donate to FCPS form and, where applicable, make note that the donated item has been received.If you donated to a nonprofit at one of our locations, you are able to access an electronic copy of our nonprofit partners' tax receipt below. A church donation receipt should include ministry name, logo, address, donor name and address, a note of thanks, donation details, and total amount. The tax identification for Fairfax Church is 54-0895396. The mailing address for donations is 11451 Braddock Road, Fairfax, VA 22030. If you need assistance when completing this questionnaire, please call ReStore Alexandria at 703-360-6700 or ReStore Chantilly at 703-953-3747. We've created this stepbystep guide on everything you need to know about creating a donation receipt letter for tax purposes. 9960 Main Street Fairfax VA 22031 (703) 349-1806. Please complete the form below or using the insert in your bulletin or Advent newsletter.