You can easily donate Stock, Donor Advised Funds (DAF), or Cryptocurrency through our partner, Overflow, in a secure and tax-efficient manner. You can give through our simple and secure online service Church Center.A church donation receipt should include ministry name, logo, address, donor name and address, a note of thanks, donation details, and total amount. If you donated to a nonprofit at one of our locations, you are able to access an electronic copy of our nonprofit partners' tax receipt below. Whether or not your church sends you a giving statement, you should keep track of the money you give. Every gift supports the ministries of King's Church and our vision to bring Grace and Truth to Washington DC. Because the Church is not taking the donation as a deduction and you are. It is the taxpayer's burden to produce evidence of donations and not the Church's. The donor must fill out a Form 8283 for all non-cash donations. Below is how to report in-kind donations: How to Report In-Kind Donations.