The official website of the City of Oakland Public Ethics Commission. Find out about meetings, resources related to Oakland's government ethics, campaign…Follow the expandable links below to find the filing schedule that applies to you. Campaign finance statements can help answer questions about who is contributing money to Oakland candidates and political campaigns. Thank you for your interest in providing inkind donations to the IRC! Typically, all general purpose and primarily formed ballot measure committees (state and local) use the Recipient Campaign Statement. County elections officials mail vote-by-mail ballots to all active registered voters about a month before the election. Thank you for your interest in hosting a fundraiser to benefit UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals (BCHs)! Thank you for your interest in hosting a fundraiser to benefit UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals (BCHs)! County elections officials mail vote-by-mail ballots to all active registered voters about a month before the election.