Political party and independent candidate donations. Understand what a charitable donation is and how to claim a tax deduction without a tax receipt with IRS Form 8283.When you donate, the DGR will usually issue you with a receipt, but they don't have to. Accurately track and value items you donate to charities with ItsDeductible™ plus other donations such as cash, mileage, and stocks with our free, easy app. You can only claim a tax deduction for gifts or donations to organisations which are deductible gift recipients (DGRs). You won't be issued a tax receipt from GoFundMe. (You will automatically receive a receipt if you make a donation online.) Your company can then add its contribution. To claim a tax deduction, you must have a record of your donation, such as a receipt. ACRF provides prompt receipting for all donations. • issuing tax deductible receipts to donors;.