At the inquest, the plaintiff must prove the allegations made in the complaint to the satisfaction of the Judge. A proof up hearing is where you have to provide evidence to the Court that will justify the Court in granting a Judgment to you.A default judgment is an official court decision in favor of one side when the other side does not answer or go to court on the court date. Follow the Rules of Court and CCP to make sure your default is proper and enforceable. The Court may take up the motion for default judgment on the papers, conduct a hearing, or make such other orders as it deems necessary and proper. It depends on when the default was entered and how soon after the default the motion to vacate is filed. In my default prove up hearing, the judge was angry about the amount of damages I requested. He decided to vacate the. (i) Hearing Before Trial. Motions and Oppositions are only filed into EXISTING CASES - these documents will not start a new case.