Default judgment hearings are held in Courtroom 22C. A proof up hearing is where you have to provide evidence to the Court that will justify the Court in granting a Judgment to you.Follow the Rules of Court and CCP to make sure your default is proper and enforceable. You must be prepared to enter evidence through documents and testimony. To vacate a default judgment and obtain a stay of eviction, you should fill out an Order to Show Cause. As you get ready for your hearing, write out how you want to present your case and what evidence you need to support it. 55(A) provides that a party is entitled to notice of a default hearing only if the party has appeared in the action, and, as the dissent. In a courtroom, the judge has the difficult job of upholding the law and making unbiased decisions in every case. Customer: In my default prove up hearing, the judge was angry about the amount of damages I requested. " Thus, in a technical sense, a default judgment is not proper, in a situation such as this, where the defendant simply fails to show up at the trial.