Criteria for opening default. A proof up hearing is where you have to provide evidence to the Court that will justify the Court in granting a Judgment to you.Before the hearing date, both parties should: Collect all documents that would help to prove their case. Make extra copies for the judge and the other party. If the judge grants a default judgment, the plaintiff is entitled to the amount of money damages specified in the suit, plus court costs. Provision that judge is qualified to try civil case where no defense is filed, irrespective of relationship to party or interest in case. You need to file a motion and possibly set it for hearing depending on local rules. After the Clerk's Entry of Default is entered the plaintiff may file a Motion for Default Judgment to request a default judgment. A judgment can be issued immediately in a properly proved "liquidated damages. If the Defendant does now show up for the trial, the Plaintiff can ask for a default judgment against the Defendant.