When proving attorney's fees in a motion for default judgment, in your affidavit provide the court with evidence to support your claim for attorney's fees. Fill out the Court Reporter's Request for Record prior to the hearing.• Contact the Court Clerk to pass a hearing. Motion for Default Judgment All Motions for Default Judgment require either an oral or submission hearing. • Contact the Court Clerk to pass a submission hearing. An Order to Show Cause is way to present to a judge the reasons why the court should order relief to a party. The plaintiff has to provide an affidavit of the material facts, proof the defendant was served, and proof of damages. According to the Texas Young Lawyer's Pro Se Divorce Handbook, a "prove-up" is a short hearing in an uncontested divorce. Default judgment are not entered without proveups in which you have to present evidence to show that you are entitled to the money. What is a prove up hearing for default Judgement?