The motion for a default judgment must first be filed with the clerk and served on every defaulted defendant. File a verified petition with notice of petition, or order to show cause in the Supreme Court.A proof up hearing is where you have to provide evidence to the Court that will justify the Court in granting a Judgment to you. You can find out answers to all of your questions about the virtual or remote hearings on the Court's Remote Hearings page. Why would a court set aside a default judgment when the defendant was properly served and didn't show for the hearing? These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for Circuit Civil cases. An inquest is a hearing for the purpose of determining the amount of damages due on a claim. At an inquest, only the plaintiff is present. If the defendant does not appear, the judge could enter a default judgment and the defendant might have to pay all or part of the money claimed in the lawsuit. Based on the evidence offered at the prove-up hearing, no default judgment was entered in order to allow the Smiths until February 27 to file Answers.