Fill in the date you found out about the order for default judgment. You must file this paperwork within a reasonable time after learning of the judgment. 4.Form: CCT504 Request to Vacate Order for Judgment and Grant New Trial. Please note that this Tip is intended to provide a general overview of vacating default judgments entered in Conciliation Court in Minnesota, and procedures and. Appeal Forms (Civil and Criminal). When a judgment is vacated, the case is reopened and the matter is litigated in full. Garnishment is a way the Plaintiff can take money out of your bank account or paycheck in order to collect the money you owe pursuant to the default judgment. Unless you have a stay, you can be evicted even if you file a Motion to Vacate Default Judgment. It is up to the judge to decide whether to vacate a default judgment. If you fill out a form on a webpage, you will lose your progress.