Follow the Rules of Court and CCP to make sure your default is proper and enforceable. You must be prepared to enter evidence through documents and testimony.One district judge offered that she is cautious about entering defaults, and that, in her experience, service is often the problem. If the Plaintiff does not show up for the trial and the Defendant does appear, if the Defendant asks, the Court may dismiss the case without prejudice. This form is used in the Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo. Defendant failed to respond to the complaint and default was entered. If the judge grants your motion, the case starts back up again. You can then appear in the case and assert whatever defense you have to plaintiff's claims. If you are looking to get out of the default judgment, then you will need to file a motion to vacate or set aside judgment. If the defendant didn't show up in your matter, the judge will likely call your case early as a default case.