If more than one motion is set, the Court will hear the motion set first and if time allows will hear the second motion in the 10 minutes allowed per case. To do this, you may file a Motion for Default with the clerk of court.How do you fill out a Motion for Default Judgment and a Default Judgment form and what exact purpose do these forms. Florida divorce law requires three elements to be shown to set aside default judgment; excusable neglect, a meritorious defense, and due diligence. Division 72 has a 5 minute rule for Hearings and 10 minute rule for Trials. Aftere you fill out the motion, be sure to also fill out a Notice of Hearing. The Family Division of the Circuit Court hears family actions, which include dissolution of marriage, name change, paternity, domestic violence and adoption. It's simple: we ask you questions and use your answers to complete your forms. Link takes you to Law Help Interactive (LHI). Introduction. Evidence is proof presented at a hearing in the form of witnesses.