How to file motion to vacate on default judgement on a Judgement outside or statue of limitations and received no summons. ? You can get out of student loan default through loan rehabilitation, loan consolidation, or repayment in full.O If possible, you should file your Motion to Vacate Default Judgment not later than 30 days after the date the default judgment was entered against you. Here is a sample motion, with its component parts, for you to use. You will need to tailor it to your own circumstances and set of facts. After Plaintiff defaulted on the Student Loan, the. NYSHESC—as guarantor—paid a default claim to Citibank. (Id. Although the court will try to help you collect the money owed to you, it cannot guarantee the debt will be paid. When an Order specifies the NCP does not owe child support for specific months (the child is in the NCP's custody). Fill out the Order to Show Cause form and set out your reasons for requesting the default judgment be vacated.