(1) the moving party shall file a motion as provided in Phila.Civ. Follow the Rules of Court and CCP to make sure your default is proper and enforceable.You must be prepared to enter evidence through documents and testimony. For all uncontested Discovery motions, the moving party shall file a Praecipe to Enter Uncontested Discovery Order. If the petitioner does not appear, the case can be postponed, or might be dismissed. In some rare cases a default judgement will be entered. Notice of motion and motion to set default prove up hearing. Cal. Super. A petition to open a default judgment is addressed to the equitable powers of the court and the trial court has discretion to grant or. You may have to request a hearing so that the judge can rule on your motion for a default judgment. As the defendant, if you do not show up at the trial, it is very likely that the judge will enter a default judgment against you.