After you obtain entry of default you must obtain a default judgment within 45 days, unless other defendants named in the complaint have answered. If the clerk determines all of the appropriate conditions exist to enter default, default will be entered and a "prove up" hearing will be scheduled.No. If you fail to attend the default proveup hearing, the matter will go offcalendar, and you will have to file to set another default proveup hearing. This includes meeting the court's deadlines, completing financial disclosures, and responding to pleadings. The Court day before the hearing. A proof up hearing is where you have to provide evidence to the Court that will justify the Court in granting a Judgment to you. If you have a default judgment entered against you in Small Claims Court, there is a simplified procedure for making a motion to vacate (cancel) the judgment. Appear on the hearing date and "proveup" your damages before the judge. Default Divorce Prove Up Affidavit No Children (TexasLawHelp.