The plaintiff has to provide an affidavit of the material facts, proof the defendant was served, and proof of damages. This affidavit takes the place of the questions that the judge might ask you during the prove-up hearing.A proof up hearing is where you have to provide evidence to the Court that will justify the Court in granting a Judgment to you. A prove up hearing in Texas is the very last step in the divorce case at which the divorce is finalized. Many pro se litigants are required to attend a "proveup hearing" or file a "proveup affidavit" as part of their case. A proof up hearing is where you have to provide evidence to the Court that will justify the Court in granting a Judgment to you. At a prove-up hearing for child custody, you can expect a more relaxed atmosphere than what surrounds a contentious trial. The plaintiff must appear at the hearing and provide evidence of its damages. The respondent filed an answer and was given notice of a hearing but did not show up for the hearing.