Follow the Rules of Court and CCP to make sure your default is proper and enforceable. You must be prepared to enter evidence through documents and testimony.If the defendant does not file an answer or an appropriate motion, the plaintiff may ask the court to enter a default judgment. Default hearing: A default hearing or prove-up hearing is required when the courts need more information to make decisions about parts of your divorce. Normally, failure to appear for a court hearing results in a default judgment against the person who fails to appear, but this is not absolute. If the noncustodial parent does not show up on court for a child support hearing, they run the risk of a default judgment entered against them. If the judge grants your motion, the case starts back up again. You can then appear in the case and assert whatever defense you have to plaintiff's claims. I then received the default judgement and was very confused until I discovered there was certain paper work i should have filled out. Submit the order and affidavit to the clerk of court.