The papers to be filed to try and undo a default is a motion to vacate a default. Fill out the Order to Show Cause form and set out your reasons for requesting the default judgment be vacated.Unless a rule provides otherwise, a motion to vacate an invalid clerk's judgment should be made in the county where the action is venued (CPLR 3215(e)). To ask the judge to set aside your default judgment, you must file a "motion" (a formal written request) with the court. You need to file a motion to vacate the default judgment entered against you for insufficient process, but you must act quickly. In the motion, you must show the judge a good reason to allow your request and vacate the default. The motion for default judgment is required. Fill out and sign the Certificate of Service. WARNING: You must sign the motion form under penalty of perjury. Commencement of Action; Service of Process, Pleadings, Motions, and Orders.