Take heart and to see that the Lord is accomplishing something through your prayers, something greater than if he were to give you what you desire. His prayers are filled with requests to God that you would grow and mature, standing complete and perfect in the beauty of God's plan for your lives.As Christians, we should not shrink from pleading in prayer to God. Rather, let it occupy a routine place in our prayer lives. It's all right to ask for God's blessing every time you pray, but if you'll get specific with God when you pray, He will answer your specific prayer requests.". Lord, we lift up their plea to you, knowing that you are a loving and compassionate God who hears the cries of your children. Paul suffered so much from it that he "pleaded with the Lord" on multiple occasions to take it away, believing God could grant his request. NKJV Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. May God grant that we may learn the art of pleading with the eternal God, for in that shall rest our prevalence with Him, through the merit of Jesus Christ. "Pleading the blood of Jesus" has no clear basis in Scripture.