(a) Entering a Plea. A trial or hearing cannot be postponed or rescheduled without the consent of the court.A broad sentencing appeal waiver requires the defendant to waive any and all sentencing issues on appeal and through collateral attack. Plea of Guilty or Nolo Contendere. Defendants may enter a plea of guilty or no contest at any time, with or without a plea agreement. A defendant may plead not guilty, or guilty, or with the consent of the judge, nolo contendere, to any crime with which the defendant has been charged. A plea bargain is a deal in which the prosecutor reduces your charges or sentence in return for a guilty plea. A trial date or hearing cannot be postponed or changed without the consent of the Court. A defendant may plead not guilty or guilty. For Felony pleas, this temporary procedure is intended to provide an extra method of completing pleas for the continued safety of all involved.