How to fill your weekly soul quota as a Reaper in The Sims 4. Grim's mystery reward box for meeting your weekly souls quota in The Sims 4.Sims only get to plead once per visit, and giving a Death Flower counts as Pleading. I used to think successful pleading was if the relationship was high enough, as it was back in previous games, but obviously it doesn't seem that way. You'll need a live sim to take the flower to Grim and offer it to him while making a plea for the dead sim's life. Cook called 911 repeatedly in the weeks and months leading up to her death with the same concerns. Go to friendly > actions to find it, unlike all of the other career socials that have them in the initial radial menu. These criteria are set forth in the Final Report of the. Special t"laster for the New Jersey Proportionality Review Proj ect to the New Jersey Supreme Court.