The Instructions for Completing the Orders – currently under the Temporary Ex Parte Order form – apply to all orders, including the MOEP. A party may not, without the permission of the presiding judge, file supplemental pleadings, briefs, authorities, or evidence.With or without granting the petition for review, the Court may request the parties. The defendant is under no obligation to respond to the lawsuit filed in a court lacking personal jurisdiction. There are three types of pleas available in a Texas criminal case: Not guilty The defendant rejects the charges against them. But within two months of her arrival in Texas, Aurimar was dead, shot in a road rage incident near Dallas as she sat in the back seat of a car. Consent is a critical aspect of these allegations, and any sexual act without it may result in charges of sexual assault. Plan B (a complaint in the commercial court) had not worked out. The suit was prosecuted without their consent.